When you are self-employed, it is difficult to know when to stop. To know the boundary between home and work. This often involves an overload of work, with stress, burnout…. This summer, for the…
Some time ago, I posted my first cookie recipe on the blog. To be more accurate, it was in October 2017 that the “cookie” article was published…. It’s amazing how fast time goes by!…
Summer time is here, and so are the strawberries ! It’s a tradition in my family to make our own jam, using our favorite fruits of the moment. I noticed that as I grow…
It has been a long time since I last shared a delicious recipe with you guys … As I’m getting older, I’m more and more into cooking desserts…
As promise in my previous blog post, here is a beautiful Easter cake ! In only few days, it will be time for the Easter egg hunt !…
It’s time for a new recipe ! Lately in France, the weather has been really bad…
As usual, here is a new recipe : “les bugnes”. Bugnes is a typically french recipe…
Here is a delicious recipe of pineapple upside down cake ! After a little recipes break, it was time to share…